The Top 5 Lessons I Learned as a Marketer for a Civil Engineering Firm
From day one I researched everything I could about the industry and engineers (yes, there’s plenty of data on the behavior of engineers). The more quickly I learned those, the faster I could get to work doing what I did best. ...
How to Create a Truly Innovative and Sound Business Strategy
Strategy in business as a discipline has only been around for about 60 years. It makes sense that business would look to other existing frameworks of strategy in search of gaining the upper hand. The authors of such books (or strategies themselves) are authorities- generals, masters, grandmasters...
This is What a Killer Marketer Skill Stacking Road Map Looks Like
During the Vietnam War, the United States upped its Special Operations Forces game to combat the North Vietnamese-backed communist insurgency in South Vietnam. In 1964, MACV-SOG was established by the United States to conduct covert...
How to Become a Lean, (Mean), Metrics Machine
I can’t say we all know metrics are important. So, I’ll start with this: Everyone who’s used metrics understands their importance. They help us track our business, report our progress, guide our decisions, and reveal insights that can easily...
This is How You Need to Start Thinking About Branding
We brand to stick out, to create in the mind of the customer the perception that we’re different. A brand is nothing more than a name, yet is the essence of the company itself. It is its identity, the familiar face in the crowd that we know...
This is How to Think Like a Startup
I was nineteen when I moved to Seattle. Not having a job, a phone, or place to live, I did what any enterprising young lad would do moving to a new city alone- I moved into a pay-by-the-week former-sorority-house-turned-neglected-tenement...
Here Are 13 Immutable Laws of Marketing in Five Minutes
Companies spend a lot of money to be a part of people’s lives. It’s expensive to attract and educate customers, and to make a good impression. Sometimes the effect of our careful planning and spending isn’t what we had hoped for...
These Are The Six Things You Need to Know to Validate Your Business Model
There are a lot of studies weighing in on what factors most contribute to the failures of companies. An internet search of “why startups fail” will produce an avalanche of “top 10” and “top 20” lists, or ballsy “number-one reasons why startups fail...